Mahalaya Paksha Tarpana Sankalpa (Drik/Vakyam)

21.09.2021 – 06.10.2021

आषाढ्याः पञ्चमे पक्षे कन्यासंस्थे दिवाकरे।
यो वै श्राद्धं नरः कुर्यादेकस्मिन्नपि वासरे।
तस्य संवत्सरं यावत् तृप्तास्स्युः पितरो ध्रुवम्॥

ஆஷாட பூர்ணிமையிலிருந்து ஐந்தாவது பக்ஷத்தில் ஸுர்யன் கன்யாராசியில் இருக்கும் பொழுது, எந்த மனிதன் ஒரு தினத்திலாவது ச்ராத்தத்தைச் செய்வானோ, அவனது பித்ருக்கள் ஒரு வர்ஷம் முடியும் வரையில் த்ருப்தியை அடைந்தவர்களாக ஆகின்றனர்.

One must strive to perform Tarpana/Shraddham to the Pitrus during Mahalaya Paksha (a) ideally for the entire duration of 16 days, or as per ability, (b) beginning from panchami, (c) ashtami, (d) dashami, etc., as ordained by our Rishis. Performing Shraddha in Mahalaya Paksha gives great satisfaction to the Pitrus and begets their blessings.

Following are PDFs of Mahalaya Paksha Tarpana/Shraddha Sankalpam (along with Hiranya Shraddha Vidhi) in multiple scripts and as per Drigganita Panchangam/Vakya-ganita Panchangam:

6 thoughts on “Mahalaya Paksha Tarpana Sankalpa (Drik/Vakyam)”

  1. Very good initiative. Just a doubt whether ekadashi upavasam can be done or cannot be done during mahalaya paksham. I am doing paksha tharpanam

  2. Excellent information and very useful to do tharpanam during the holy Mahalaya pakshanam, thanks for the great service to our society

  3. Namaskarams:
    please guide, whether on 4th Oct 2021, two tarpanams are to be performed. which one to be done first (mahalayam or yugadhi)
    with respects and pranams

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