Rig Veda Sandhyavandanam Book

We are pleased to announce the availability of the RigVeda Sandhyavandanam book, authored by Brahmashri Ky. Bharaneedhara Shastrigal and released by His Holiness Sri Sri Periyaval on 23.08.2020.

You can place an order for the book here. Price: ₹195 per copy. Postage free (within India).

Salient features of the book:

  • Prepared in consultation with many great texts such as Ashvalayana Smriti, Ahnika Chandrika, Vaidhyanatha Dikshitiyam, etc., and many other renowned experts in Shastram
  • Includes “Pramana Vakyam” (reference statement) for every aspect of the Sandhyavandanam
  • Separate instructions for each of the three kaalas: Pratah Sandhya, Madhyahnikam & Sayam Sandhya
  • Also includes Samidadhanam and Brahmayajnam
  • Typeset in a neat left-right bi-lingual format, with Tamil on the left and Sanskrit on the right
Sri Balaji on the Rig Veda Book

10 thoughts on “Rig Veda Sandhyavandanam Book”

  1. Very blessed to have Great book by Guruji… When is the Yajur Sandhyavandanam book will be launched. Awaiting for that book please

  2. Ramakrishnan Venkateswaran

    .I am a hearing impaired. I cant hear. Interested in rigvedam sandya vandana. Please send pdf.

  3. Rajeshwari Arun shriram.

    KYB is an another legend. Great Guru an author and a treasure too. Hara Hara shankara Jaya Jaya Shankara

  4. I wanted a copy of both Rigveda Sandhyavandana and Yajurveda Sandhyavandana book copies translated in English. Can anyone help me please.

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